Climate Leadership Summit

Spring 2016


Rochester Institute of Technology was selected as one of five locations throughout the nation to host a Climate Leadership Summit sponsored by the National Campus Leadership Council and Defend Our Future. This conference brought local professionals, community members, and student leaders together to educate, inspire, and empower others to enact change in their communities. It was a day full of presentations, panel discussions, workshops, networking, and plenaries in the following categories, with an emphasis on the natural environment particularly relating to climate change: water, waste, energy, transportation, food, policy, and leadership. We had over 100 attendees of a variety of ages and expertise from the campus and community.

As part of the team organizing this event, my responsibilities included branding, marketing, social media, informational materials, and various other graphics. Specifically created were a logo, t-shirts, digital schedules, a Snapchat filter, and way-finding signage and name tags. Below are graphics created and highlights from the event.


The Event
